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10 Artists Inspired By Serge Gainsbourg

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The 2nd of April 2018 marked the 90th anniversary of the birth of iconic French singer-songwriter Serge Gainsbourg.

Remember his legacy with a selection of artists who were influenced by the life and work of the iconoclastic provocateur.

Charlotte GainsbourgJamais

We couldn't start this playlist without Serge Gainsbourg and Jane Birkin's daughter, Charlotte. Her second album 5:55 was released in 2006, 20 years after her debut album Charlotte for Ever (which was written by her father when she was 13 years old). 5:55 was recorded in collaboration with French duo Air who are fervent admirers of Serge Gainsbourg.

De La SoulTalkin' Bout Hey Love

Rap group De La Soul was one of the first to sample Serge Gainsbourg's work, releasing their second album De La Soul Is Dead in 1991, two months after his death. The album contains two Gainsbourg samples on 'Talkin' Bout Hey Love' and 'Not Over till the Fat Lady Plays the Demo'.

MC SolaarNouveau Western

'Nouveau Western' by French rapper MC Solaar was released in late 1993 to international acclaim, leading him to collaborate with Missy Elliott on 'All N My Grill'. 'Nouveau Western' contains a sample of the song 'Bonnie and Clyde', a 1967 duet Serge Gainsbourg wrote and composed for French actress Brigitte Bardot. Interestingly, Solaar toured in 1991 with fellow Gainsbourg samplers De La Soul.

PortisheadRequiem for Anna

Portishead's unique cinematic sound may have taken inspiration from Gainsbourg himself. They went on to cover "Un jour comme un autre", a song taken from the soundtrack of TV musical comedy Anna (1967) and sung by actress Anna Karina. Portishead's English version of the song was included in the tribute album Monsieur Gainsbourg Revisited and may be one of their best-kept secrets.

Massive AttackKarmacoma (Portishead Experience)

Although Massive Attack and Portishead were instrumental in the emergence of trip-hop and both bands were formed in Bristol, they never worked extensively together. One of the few collaborations they left behind is the excellent "Karmacoma (Portishead Experience)" remix which samples Serge Gainsbourg's "Cargo Culte" from Histoire de Melody Nelson, an album which had a major impact on the trip hop genre.

PlaceboThe Ballad of Melody Nelson

Placebo lead singer Brian Molko is a self-proclaimed admirer of Serge Gainsbourg's work. Having spent a big part of his youth and education in Belgium and Luxembourg, the British-American-Belgian songwriter is fluent in French and became obsessed with Gainsbourg's Histoire de Melody Nelson growing up, an album he would play on repeat. Molko has covered several of Gainsbourg's songs over the years, including "Je t'aime… moi non plus", "Requiem pour un con" and "The Ballad of Melody Nelson".

BeckPaper Tiger

Beck is another fan of 'the man with the cabbage head'. His love for Gainsbourg led him to perform on stage with Jane Birkin back in 2000. The influence of Gainsbourg's music would later find its way on Beck's eighth album Sea Change (2002), with a sound that also takes inspiration from Histoire de Melody Nelson. Beck then went on to produce and record with Charlotte Gainsbourg for her album IRM, proving that his connection to Gainsbourg's legacy is more than just mere admiration for his music.

Mirwais V.I. (The Last Words She Said Before Leaving)

Mirwais Ahmadzaï is best known for producing Madonna's Music (2000) and helping her hit No. 1 in more than 20 countries, selling four million copies of her eighth album in the first ten days of its release. His obscure album Production (2000) is an underrated solo effort which features "V.I. (The Last Words She Said Before Leaving)", an irresistibly languorous and sensuous song that owes a lot of its deep rhythm to Gainsbourg's "Cargo Culte" sample.

Blonde RedheadSlogan

The inspiration New York alternative rock band Blonde Redhead took from Serge Gainsbourg is undeniable and was made clear with their cover of Gainsbourg's "La chanson de Slogan".

Kylie MinogueSensitized

Serge Gainsbourg's body of work didn't only inspire alternative bands and singers. Mainstream pop singer Kylie Minogue sampled "Bonnie and Clyde" on her song "Sensitized" off her album X (2007) and the result is a surprisingly catchy pop tune.

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