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Can I see what's going wrong with me?
I used to have it all, now I'm alone
I never said I'm better off this way
I need something to do
Somewhere to go

I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time

Kontynuacja tekstu utworu poniżej...

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Can I feel so utterly unreal?
Like nothing I could do would make things change
I'm stuck in here
And I'm tired of everywhere
I'm never gonna learn to be alone

I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time

(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)
(Oh, oh, oh, oh)

I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time to stop moving
I need time to stay useless
I need time

Writer(s): Dylan Baldi, Jayson Gerycz

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